Artwork > Ridgecrest Circle

Ridgecrest Circle
video installation
Ridgecrest Circle
Video projector, wood, wheels, electrical cord
video installation
video, wood, paint, foam tiles, metal, retracting electrical cord
video installation
Video projector, wood, wheels, electrical cord
15' x 12'

Dallas Contemporary Museum, Dallas TX
April 24 - May 19, 2014

Video installation of footage driving on Ridgecrest Circle, a road that forms a spiral in a suburb south of Denton, TX. The video projector is mounted in a wooden cart and "driven" over a map of the neighborhood drawn onto the floor. The video is projected onto the walls of the space following the movement of the projector/cart. The sensation of moving a moving image creates a feeling of disorientation and spatial disruption much like the experience of driving in the real neighborhood.

For more information visit